CastleCove Country Club Redevelopment
Learn more about the CastleCove Country Club redevelopment
The CastleCove Country Club is continuing to plan for its future, to ensure the Club remains relevant and viable to both its members and the local community. Since initial community consultation in 2021, the Club has undergone continued planning and design, which has been guided by the community-led vision and principles for the project, and consultation with Willoughby City Council.
The project’s vision is to revitalise the CastleCove Country Club as a thriving, welcoming hub where people come to be active, enjoy the outdoors and connect with each other, as part of an integrated community that can support the long term financial sustainability of the Club.
Delivering this vision will realise valuable benefits for the local community and our members, including:
A new well-designed club house with better indoor and outdoor spaces, pro shop and golf club facilities
A new dining experience for all, alongside better parking facilities and seamless accessibility
Boutique independent housing options for senior residents who wish to maintain their connection to the local community.
The proposed development is contained within the privately-owned club house site, including the open air bitumen car park.
The Club and its development partner Taylor Developments Group (“Taylor”) are preparing a Development Application to lodge with Willoughby City Council over the coming months.
It is hoped that the revitalised Club will provide a new community meeting place for locals and club members to come together, connect and socialise. The project team is looking forward to sharing details of the project and would appreciate feedback from locals before the DA is lodged with Council.
Questions and feedback
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the project team, please contact:
1800 870 549 (during business hours)
CastleCove Country Club redevelopment FAQs
About the project
Where is the planning process up to?
A Development Application (DA) was submitted to Willoughby City Council in December 2023 for the proposed redevelopment of the Club. As part of the assessment process, both the Club and Taylor have been actively engaging with Council to address their questions and comments through a Request for Information (RFI) process. This RFI process has allowed us to refine and enhance various aspects of the proposed development to ensure it aligns with both community expectations and Council requirements.
Following on from the initial public notification that occurred in January and February 2024, Council has now issued a ‘public renotification’ following the RFI refinements – providing copies of all updated documents and offering the community another opportunity to review the proposal and provide feedback. This step is a vital part of maintaining transparency and keeping the community informed about the project’s progress.
What changes have occurred since the original DA submission?
Throughout our engagement with Council, changes to refine and enhance the project have been made to incorporate the Council and community feedback, including:
Club changes
Seniors living waste bin holding space has been added within the Club carpark to comply with Council waste service requirements. (This space is internal to the club building and will not be visible from the street); and
Addition of refuge islands on Deepwater Road to address Council’s requests for traffic calming devices.
Seniors Living changes
Adjustment to Deepwater Road secure pedestrian entry walkway and lift lobby to further reduce acoustic impacts to neighbouring properties, and improve the design to provide a safer path of entry for residents;
Additional bulky waste room and charity bin room within the Seniors Living basement car park to meet Council’s waste service requirements (achieved via efficiency improvement in the basement and will not be visible externally);
Additional landscaping to the ground floor common area for Seniors Living residences;
Louvered windows added to seniors living entry foyer to further enhance the lobby design detailing and promote natural ventilation; and
Change of the proposed private open space on the Level 2 (Roof) balcony to a landscaped passive communal open space, for access by the Seniors Living residents only. This space has been orientated toward the golf course, significantly landscaped, and the building designed to minimise potential visual and acoustic impacts to neighbouring properties.
Why is the CastleCove Country Club (the Club) being redeveloped?
While the Club has flourished and evolved over the years, it has also faced challenges to remain relevant and viable to both its members and the local community. The Club accrued losses in several prior years and while close to breakeven of late and at present, it has limited funds available for necessary improvements and maintenance to the club house and golf course.
Redevelopment of the Club will help secure the longevity of the Club, and will also provide a greatly improved offering to members and the wider Castle Cove community. Renewal of the Club will also ensure the golf course remains a well-maintained, high quality green space for the local area.
What is the vision for the project?
Our vision is to revitalise the CastleCove Country Club as a thriving, welcoming hub where people come to be active, enjoy the outdoors and connect with each other, as part of an integrated community that can support the long term financial sustainability of the not-for-profit Club.
Delivering this vision will realise valuable benefits for the local community and our members, including:
A new well-designed club house with better indoor and outdoor spaces, pro shop and golf club facilities
A new dining experience for all, alongside better parking facilities and seamless accessibility
Independent housing options for senior residents who wish to maintain their connection to the local community.
Who is delivering the project?
Development manager, Taylor Developments Group, (“Taylor”) has partnered with the Club to lead the project. The broader project team comprises leading local architects, town planners and relevant technical specialists to ensure a high quality of design and project delivery, in line with the expectations of the Club and community.
What does the redevelopment include?
The proposed redevelopment includes:
A new two-storey club house building in the location of the existing carpark off Deepwater Road, which includes ground level parking and one floor of club house facilities, including a publicly accessible food and beverage offering, golf pro shop, changerooms, office and meeting spaces, and club storage facilities
A new two-three-storey seniors’ living facility, in the location of the existing club building, comprising 17 seniors living residences
Dedicated off-street car parking (approximately 104 spaces) for both the club house and the seniors’ living, as part of the new buildings
Demolition of the existing club building and bitumen carpark
Outdoor landscaping and tree planting.
When will the redevelopment start and how long will it take? Will construction be staged?
It is anticipated that, subject to planning approval, the redevelopment would start in 2025 and would take approximately 19 months to complete. This will be subject to the program of the builder appointed to construct the project and we will keep the local community updated about timeframes.
How high are the buildings? Are they permissible?
The new club house will be a two-storey building, 8.4m in height. This height is permissible under the Willougby Council Development Control Plan which allows buildings up to 8.5m high in this location.
The new seniors living building, to be built on the existing club house site, will be two to three storeys, at a maximum height of 9.5m, which is lower than the existing club house building. This height is permissible under the Seniors Housing SEPP which allows buildings of up to 11.5m in height in this location.
Are variations to the height allowable?
Yes, under the LEP and Council DCP, variations to height are allowable provided it can be demonstrated that there is reasonable merit and justification around the variation being made. The club house height is fully compliant and the seniors living height has minor variations due to the site topography (in particular the large cliff face) that equates to a 1.2% exceedance across the entire site area.
Are variations to the FSR allowable?
Yes, under the LEP and Council DCP, variations to FSR are allowable provided it can be demonstrated that there is reasonable merit and justification around the variation being made. The club house FSR is fully compliant and the seniors living FSR has a variation. The seniors living FSR variation has reasonable urban and architectural design merit which transitions from the expansive open space that is the golf course land whilst maintaining residential urban design context with the neighbouring structures.
Will there be more parking provided?
There will be 75 spaces for the new club house and food and beverage offering, which is on par with the current arrangement noting that additional spaces have now been provided for those with disabilities, together with a dedicated loading area. The proposal also improves the quality of parking and access by providing all spaces in an undercover building, and with direct internal lift access to the new club house and food and beverage offering.
The new seniors living building will include its own dedicated, secure parking, with a total of 26 spaces. As a result, residents will not require access to the club house carpark.
Where will proposed vehicle entry and exit points be located once the development is completed?
There are currently three existing main entry and exit points on Deepwater Road and the new proposal will also maintain three entry and exit points;
One for entry and exit to the tennis courts which will remain unchanged (as requested by Council);
The second access point is the entry into the club house carpark which will be in roughly the same location as the existing driveway, shifting to the east by approximately X meters, and will act as the new club house entry / exit;
The third access point uses the location of the existing club house carpark exit, and will act as the new seniors living entry / exit.
A consolidated entry and exit point from the existing tennis court driveway to access the tennis courts, club house and seniors living was proposed to Council, however they would not consider this option as access to the club house would be across Council land, rather than directly into the Club owned land.
What interim parking arrangements will there be? How will this be managed?
It is anticipated that interim car parking during the construction period will be provided on the current tennis courts, as part of an overarching program to deliver a renewed tennis court and tennis club house facility.
The CastleCove Country Club has been working with the tennis pro who runs the tennis school on site to discuss transition arrangements to ensure all existing lessons and groups are able to continue operating at nearby courts.
During the construction period, the tennis courts will provide space for approximately 49 cars, which will accommodate most Club staff and visitor vehicles at peak times. A dedicated Construction Traffic Management Plan will be prepared to detail these interim arrangements.
Why aren’t more community spaces and facilities included?
While a variety of potential redevelopment opportunities were explored throughout the design process, the current proposal seeks to balance the ongoing needs of the Club and the Castle Cove community with a sensible and sustainable design that is in keeping with the scale and character of the area. Much of the community feedback from initial consultation noted the need for an improved food and beverage offering as well as a new space for the community – both Club members and non-members – to come together, socialise and spend time, and this has been prioritised as part of the design.
Seniors living residences
Do we need more seniors living in the area?
Yes, there is a need for more housing, and diversity of housing choice, in the local area. The project will provide homes for those aged 65 and over, as well as those aged 60 and over who are less able, who are wishing to downsize, be close to family, or be close to the golf course and other club house amenities.
While there is another seniors living development close to us, there continues to be an undersupply of seniors living in the local area.
Will the seniors living component change the character of the local area?
The development features seniors living designed for individuals aged 65 and over, including those who may already reside in the area or are current members of the Club. It’s important to note that this development is not a nursing or care facility.
The new residences have been sensitively designed by our architect, with landscaping that complements the natural features of the local area.
How will the rooftop communal open space be used and managed?
The rooftop communal open space will have restricted access to seniors living residents only, and be used as a passive communal open space. There will be no cooking or dining facilities provided to this space and it is not intended for large gatherings or function events in order to reduce noise disruption to neighbours. The area will have access restriction times via the building strata bylaws and building access control system to further prevent noise disruption to neighbours and apartment residents who are immediately adjacent to this area.
Club house
What will the new club house include?
The new club house proposes to include a ground floor covered carpark and club house facilities on level 1. More specifically the club house is planned to include:
75 car spaces and bicycle parking at ground level
Direct lift access between the carpark and level 1
A new food and beverage offering with indoor and outdoor seating, including spaces for functions and local meetings. The size of these facilities matches the existing function space that is currently unused and in need of repair. The use and access to the spaces is not restricted to members only and will be open for public use.
A new golf pro shop, club offices and storage facilities
New bathroom and changeroom facilities
Secure service area for golf buggies and carts.
What will the operating hours of the food and beverage offering be?
It is proposed that operating hours of the new food and beverage offering will remain the same as the current club café operating hours, which is 6am until 10pm.
Will the club house have a liquor licence as part of the food and beverage offering?
The Club currently has a liquor licence in place that is used for their food and beverage operations. This will be retained and used for the food and beverage operations of the proposed new club house.
Will there be any spaces available to hire? What about events?
The Club is currently exploring options to make spaces at the club house, including the food and beverage offering, available for exclusive or partial hire by local organisations and the community. It is envisaged that the restaurant would be a welcoming space for members, visitors and locals alike, and we’re looking to find arrangements that best balance these needs.
Local impacts
What will the traffic impacts be? How will these be managed?
A Traffic Impact Assessment has been prepared as part of the application to assess the adequacy of the proposed parking arrangements, as well as the impact of expected traffic generation. The study identified that:
The proposed parking is sufficient for anticipated residents, visitors and Club members
As the operations of the Club will remain the same, the expected traffic generation is anticipated to be minor, and can be accommodated by the local road network
Traffic impacts from the seniors living are expected to be minor, these types of homes tend to be low-traffic-generating, and the traffic generated tends to not coincide with morning, evening and school peaks.
What is being done about the visual and privacy impacts, especially to those living on Deepwater Road?
Design of the new club house and seniors living has carefully considered the visual impacts on close neighbours by:
Retaining all except one of the existing trees along Deepwater Road and planting additional established trees to soften the building façade and provide a green buffer
Designing a low-rise club house (two storeys only) which is lower than the existing tree line on Deepwater Road, and within with the permissible height limit for the site
Designing a two-three storey seniors living building which is lower than the existing club house, lower than its residential neighbours, stepped down in line with the slope of the land, and set back from the boundary
Developing a high-quality design with an attractive and considered façade.
Design of the new club house and seniors living has carefully considered the privacy of close neighbours by:
Orientating communal areas, including the dining areas, away from Deepwater Road and towards the golf course, as to not overlook nearby properties
Providing direct, internal access between the covered parking and the club house to minimise pedestrian thoroughfare around the club house entrance and Deepwater Road
Orientating outdoor areas/balconies of the seniors living towards the golf course, as to not overlook nearby properties
Retaining and supplementing green buffers with immediate neighbours
Including acoustic building treatment in the club house design.
How will the operational impacts be managed?
Design of the new club house and seniors living has carefully considered operational impacts by:
Orientating communal areas, including the dining areas, away from Deepwater Road and towards the golf course, as to limit noise projection or carrying of sound
Providing direct, internal access between the covered parking and the club house to minimise pedestrian thoroughfare around the club house entrance and Deepwater Road
Preparing detailed Operational Management Plans to set out protocols for managing the dining area and club house
Being consistent with the existing Castle Cove Golf Course Plan of Management, as required by Council.
The Club is committed to being a good neighbour and will continue to work with the local community to refine its operational management planning. The project team would like to hear about any potential concerns, with a view to collaboratively working through possible solutions.
How will the construction impacts be managed?
The CastleCove Country Club and Taylor are committed to being good neighbours throughout construction, delivery and operation of the project. Construction impacts, including noise, dust and vibration, will be managed in accordance with a detailed Construction Management Plan, which is required to be lodged with Council ahead of any works commencing.
During the construction phase, the Club and Taylor will continue to provide updates to community members and ensure neighbours have access to direct lines of communication with the project team to ask questions, raise concerns and provide feedback.
How will waste be managed in the club house and seniors living?
The club house will have a dedicated waste holding room and loading zone within the ground floor carpark. Private waste trucks will enter and exit the club house carpark to remove waste from within the carpark and not the street.
The seniors living will have dedicated waste holding rooms in the basement carpark where residents will dispose of waste in bins provided. On collection days, bins will be privately transported to a waste collection room near to the front of the property that will store the bins away from the street kerb. Council waste contractors will have access to this room and remove waste from bins on collection days, keeping all bins within the collection room.
Will there be any impact on the local stormwater system when the proposed development is complete?
The proposed design will provide an improvement to the existing site stormwater and groundwater system.
Currently all ground water runoff from the club house and expansive bitumen carpark runs directly onto Deepwater Road and into the street stormwater system. The proposed design will include large onsite stormwater holding tanks, eliminating ground and roof water runoff onto Deepwater Road’s stormwater system during rain events.
The water quality will also be improved as all captured water will be cleaned before it enters into the Council stormwater network. Currently there is no provision for this as all water enters the stormwater network via overland flows.
Are any trees being cut down?
Approximately 23 trees on the Club’s site will need to be removed as part of the project. These trees have been assessed by an arborist and categorised as low value.
All trees on Council’s street frontage, except one, will be retained.
A 3:1 tree replacement strategy will be implemented.
What is being done to protect wildlife habitats?
We understand the important role the golf course plays in providing valuable habitat for local wildlife. No part of the golf course is being used for the redevelopment, and the project will maintain the identified “green web” set out in Council controls to support local flora and fauna.
Will Council landscaping requirements be met in the proposed DA?
Yes, both landscape planting and deep soil requirements exceed Councils requirements and the Housing SEPP.
What types of planting will be included in the proposed landscape design?
The proposed landscape design includes a mixture of native and non-native plants throughout the seniors living building and club house. A combination of paved and garden areas are incorporated into the seniors living design to promote community interaction, including a BBQ and bocci field on ground level, and a rooftop garden incorporating natural lawn and communal garden. All plants proposed are commonly used and non-toxic to humans, and have been selected in accordance with Council requirements.
What sustainability initiatives is the development including? Is the project sustainable?
The proposal incorporates a broad range of initiatives to deliver positive environmental and social outcomes throughout design, delivery and operation. These initiatives include:
Rainwater harvesting, storage, and treatment of any runoff
Solar panels
Performance glazing
Energy efficient building services, including lighting and air conditioning.
Golf course and Club operations
Will there be any changes to the golf course?
There will be no changes to the golf course itself. The new club house and seniors living will be contained to the existing club house and car park site.
Will construction impact the golf course, course facilities and access?
The golf course will continue to be operational for the duration of the project. There will be some temporary changes to parking, the pro shop, and golf course facilities to enable e the redevelopment, including:
Interim parking provided on the tennis courts
Interim golf pro shop at the tennis club house
Interim changeroom and toilet facilities at the tennis court club house.
Will the tennis courts be impacted? Any upgrades to tennis courts?
The tennis courts at the Club will be temporarily impacted by the project, to enable both an interim parking solution during construction and a separate program of tennis court upgrade and tennis club house renewal.
The tennis courts will be used as interim car parking during the construction period, and the tennis club house will be used as a temporary golf pro shop. It is anticipated that this will be the interim arrangement for the duration of the construction period, which is approximately 19 months.
Following construction, the tennis courts are planned to be resurfaced/upgraded and the club house refurbished to provide a high-quality facility for the local community. This work will be subject to a separate planning process with Willoughby City Council.
The CastleCove Country Club has been working with the tennis pro who runs the tennis school to discuss transition arrangements to ensure all existing lessons and groups are able to continue operating at nearby courts.
Planning process
What kind of planning application is being prepared? Who is determining the decision?
Taylor is currently preparing a Development Application for the project, which will be submitted to Willoughby City Council. The proposal will then be considered by Council who will provide a recommendation to the assessing body – the Sydney North Planning Panel.
What opportunities are there to provide feedback?
Taylor and the CastleCove Country Club are committed to engaging with neighbours, members, and the local community more broadly. A number of community information sessions have been planned to provide an opportunity to meet the project team, learn about the proposal, ask any questions and provide feedback.
There are also publicly available phone and email channels should the community wish to reach out to the project team with any questions or to provide feedback. Details of these community events and contact information is available at www.castlecovegolf.com.au/cms/castle-cove-country-club-redevelopment/.
The DA was lodged in December 2023 and is currently under assessment by Council. Several Council RFI’s have been responded to allowing us to refine and enhance various aspects of the proposed development to ensure it aligns with both community expectations and Council requirements. Following on from the initial public notification that occurred in January and February 2024, Council has now issued a ‘public renotification’ following the RFI refinements – providing copies of all updated documents and offering the community another opportunity to review the proposal and provide feedback. The renotification period will end on 11 February 2025 and can be accessed via Willoughby City Council’s DA tracker under the ‘Applications on Notification’ section (application number DA-2023/334), providing an opportunity for the community to review and lodge a submission to Council.